Ecosystem Restoration Program
The goal of the Ecosystem Restoration Program (ERP) is to promote healthy and productive native ecosystems including grasslands, oak woodlands, riparian corridors, wetlands, and forests. This program has five principal ongoing sub-programs designed to accomplish this goal: Riparian Ecosystem Restoration, Native Grasslands Enhancement, Oak Woodland Enhancement, Invasive Plants, Forest Restoration, Prescribed Fire and Native Plant Materials.
Native Plant Materials
Producing high quality native plant material is essential for successful native plant restoration projects. We collect seed from a diverse mix of locally adapted native plants from the various native plant communities throughout the Mattole Watershed and King Range National Conservation Area.
Oak Woodland Enhancement
The goal of the Oak Woodland Enhancement program is to gain a better understanding of the current distribution and ecological health of oak woodland/savanna ecosystems within the Mattole watershed, preserve existing stands, and implement projects to restore historical structure and functioning.