Become a Member and Support our Work

Become a Member and Support our Work

As a community based non-profit, we greatly rely on the support and guidance of our members. Donations and memberships support unique community projects benefiting the Mattole. These projects are essential to our mission and they wouldn’t be possible without generous support from folks like you.

MRC members receive:

  • Annual print newsletters detailing restoration projects and the environmental conditions of the Mattole Watershed and Lost Coast;
  • 10% off Mattole Custom Mapping Services; and
  • The opportunity to vote for our Board of Directors (if you live or own land in the Mattole).

Membership runs for one year starting from the date of your last payment, and are $15 for student/low income, $35 for individual, $50 for family, $100 for business, or $500 for lifetime memberships.

You can join by filling out the form to the right or sending in a check using the following steps:

1. Call (707) 629-3514, TDD/TTY : (800) 877-8339, email, or drop by the office for a membership form.

2. Send a check for your membership dues to Mattole Restoration Council, PO Box 160, Petrolia, CA 95558.

MRC Membership

  • If so, you are eligible to vote in our Board of Directors elections!
  • Please select which type of membership you’d like to subscribe to.
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Thank you for contributing towards the health of our North Coast region!