Watershed Information Systems
The goal of the Watershed Information Systems program is to collect, archive, analyze, and disseminate restoration information to learn about the ecological systems of the watershed and improve restoration and stewardship efforts in the Mattole watershed. The program has four principal components: Geographic Information Systems, Data Management, Watershed Monitoring, and Adaptive Management.
Program Details
As we undertake multiple efforts to restore and learn about our watershed, we remain observant. The council maintains comprehensive land cover information through our computerized Geographic Information System (GIS), and is engaged in ongoing projects to monitor trends in watershed conditions as well as taking a lead in comprehensive watershed planning efforts to identify and respond to restoration needs as they arise.

To further these aims, the MRC has been developing methods, protocols, and operating procedures for digital field-based data collection. The purpose of these methods is to improve data quality during field collection, and includes the integration of digital photographs, Global Positioning System (GPS), and field-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) through the use of handheld computers.
The Council monitors watershed trends and the outcomes of restoration projects to provide important information used in project planning, design, and implementation. The Mattole Technical Advisory Committee, composed of over 20 agency representatives and local restoration practitioners, review project results and data. The Council works to develop, maintain, and communicate specific plans for priority restoration work throughout the basin.
Custom Mapping Services
The Watershed Information Systems program also provide a custom mapping service for those who would wish to employ GIS services to support their restoration, research, project planning, and local land stewardship efforts for any location within and around the Mattole watershed. There are many possible options for your custom mapping needs, here is an abbreviated list of options, combinations are also possible:
- Topographical relief
- Aerial photographs – recent and historical
- Slope
- Property boundaries
- Rivers and Streams
- Roads
- Towns
- Location of old growth forests
- Historical fires

Contact us for inquiries or to receive a quote.
Our maps should not be used for litigation, for this purpose, please contact the Humboldt County assessors office.