Sustainable Land Management
The MRC works to encourage Mattole residents to manage their land for overall ecosystem health and to promote sustainable forest and range management practices, particularly as an alternative to industrial paradigms.
To address this goal the Sustainable Land Management program aims to:
- Conduct outreach and information exchange about forestry issues and land management options including, for example, new or amended Forest Practice Rules, sustainable forestry, holistic range management, etc.
- Encourage non-industrial timberland owners to use the lighter-touch Mattole Program Timber Environmental Impact Report (PTEIR) for timber harvest.
- Assist landowners in taking advantage of new opportunities for the management of their forests and rangeland that are compatible with the Council’s mission
- Promote voluntary tools that result in the protection of large parcels from development that would threaten watershed values such as wildlife habitat, water quality, and adequate streamflow
- Cooperate with the Buckeye Conservancy, the Institute for Sustainable Forestry, the Redwood Forest Foundation, and others to encourage sustainable land management
- Where feasible and practical, participate in County and regional planning efforts that encourage practices that promote ecological, social, and economical benefits for the long term
- Research and provide latest information on sustainable energy security that is compatible with the Council’s mission
- Support resource-based cottage industry, when feasible, that is ecologically sustainable and locally beneficial